
Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; a fortunate mistake. Specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful while not specifically searching for it

It's a chance encounter or coincidence that leads to a happy outcome. It can happen anywhere, anytime

The ability to make important discoveries or connections by accident has been changing lives through history.

"People are starting to realise that serendipity can set people free, it can help to make them more creative and more agile and less stressed"

Bring serendipity  into your life

Dr Stephann Makri has these suggestions .
  1. Make mental space: change your environment, go for a walk
  2. Vary your routine : meet new people, adapt your interests, join a club, travel to a new place
  3. Be observant : look up from your phone, keep your eyes and ears open
  4. Relax your boundaries : try out new foods, new place, new ideas.
  5. Draw on previous experiences : make links to what you have learnt before
  6. Look for patterns : try to make sense out of the chaos of the world
  7. Seek opportunities: when something unexpected happens, take the time and the effort to capitalise on it

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